A honlapon használt sütik beállítása
Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility
“MBH Bank, a partner in sustainable finance”
MBH Bank has set strategic objectives to create its infrastructure, product and service range for both retail and corporate clients that will help them to achieve their own sustainability and climate goals. We understand our key role and responsibility in supporting and financing investments; while targeting sustainability initiatives and climate protection.
Hungarian language is the official and registered language of MBH Bank Nyrt.’s („the Issuer”) disclosures pursuant to the relevant legal and stock-exchange rules. The English language translations have been prepared with the best care and intention of the Issuer to inform English speaking investors, however, in the event of any controversy between the Hungarian and English version, the authentic Hungarian version shall prevail.
A Responsible partner in Green Finance
As one of the main engines in the economy, the banking sector plays a key role in achieving sustainability goals. Being one of Hungary's largest banking groups, we feel responsible to be at the forefront in this field as well.
Main areas:
Source of energy consumption, energy efficiency
Waste management
Water management
Areas of other projects with environmental impacts
MBH Bank and it’s community
Our goal is to develop a better understanding of the world of finance, promote volunteering and values within the community.
We are committed to the well-being of our employees; including their physical and mental health.
Our well-being initiatives and programs target a positive work-life balance, creating a family friendly workplace; while ensuring equal career opportunities.
In order to improve the well-being of our community, we plan to initiate various programs to increase the awareness and knowledge of our employees in all areas of sustainability.
These programs cover the full spectrum of the careers of our employees, with a special emphasis on the individual needs of interns, entry-level staff, staff on maternity leave and those returning from it, young fathers and support provided to employees over the age of 60.
We place special emphasis on the professional training of our employees and the nurturing of their talents. We support the expansion of our colleagues' professional knowledge and the development of their skills with a wide range of educational programs.
Responsible corporate governance, transformation and transparency
MBH Bank has set itself the goal
of establishing transparent external and internal operations supporting
sustainability.It is essential for us to incorporate
sustainability-related policies and rules into our corporate governance
Our short-term goal is being transparent in our sustainability engagement within our operations, by fully complying with all regulatory expectations.
Our Commitment - From a management point of view, we are committed and strive to establish and operate a corporate governance system that complies with the best market practices and ensures successful and efficient operation, as well as responsible corporate governance.
Corporate responsibility
Our bank’s social responsibility program covers a broad spectrum. We consider it important to contribute within our means and capabilities to community development and the well-being of those affected by the natural and social environment.
Our priority causes:
- supporting the socially disadvantaged through inclusion
- education and development of financial awareness and digital literacy
- supporting Hungarian art and culture
Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önt, hogy az MKB Bank Nyrt. és a Takarékbank Zrt. – a Takarékbank Zrt. beolvadásával – 2023. április 30-án egyesült, és az így létrejött kereskedelmi bank, mint a Magyar Bankholding bankcsoport anyabankja 2023. május 1-jétől MBH Bank Nyrt. (a továbbiakban: MBH Bank) név alatt működik tovább.
Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önt, hogy az MKB Bank Nyrt. és a Takarékbank Zrt. – a Takarékbank Zrt. beolvadásával – 2023. április 30-án egyesült, és az így létrejött kereskedelmi bank, mint a Magyar Bankholding bankcsoport anyabankja 2023. május 1-jétől MBH Bank Nyrt. (a továbbiakban: MBH Bank) név alatt működik tovább.
Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önt, hogy az MKB Bank Nyrt. és a Takarékbank Zrt. – a Takarékbank Zrt. beolvadásával – 2023. április 30-án egyesült, és az így létrejött kereskedelmi bank, mint a Magyar Bankholding bankcsoport anyabankja 2023. május 1-jétől MBH Bank Nyrt. (a továbbiakban: MBH Bank) név alatt működik tovább.